
Tesla has been shut down for months due to the world’s largest battery investigation, but it is still proceeding with expansion.

Many believe that Tesla will become the world’s largest battery system for PG&E at California’s Mass Landing Station.  However, the Tesla megapack system has been shut down for months due to a fire investigation.

But the company is looking to move forward with an expansion of its fuel storage system this summer.

We first learned about the project when it submitted it to CPUC at PG&E’s Mass Landing Substation and the company negotiated with Tesla in 2017.

It consists of four separate energy storage projects and two of them to become the largest battery system in the world.

Dynegy will deploy the 300MW / 1,200MWh project on PG&E’s grid but the Tesla project will be 182.5MW / 730MWh, which could eventually go up to 1.1GWh.

In 2018, we received Tesla’s offer for the project, and it shows that the company plans to use “MegaPack” for large utility-scale projects instead of its usual powerpack.

In 2020, the project was officially approved and Tesla began construction of the first phase of the project in July.

Last year, Tesla deployed 100 MW / 300 MWh megapacks on the site, and Vistra Corp, the site’s operator for PG&E, began operating the system.

However, there were two incidents of smoke and fire on site in September 2021 and February 2022, prompting the Tesla megapack system to be shut down for a full investigation.

Months later, there is no clear schedule to turn the system back on, but the local newspaper Monterey County Weekly reports that the companies are aiming for this summer.

  • Read battery’s

Both PG&E and Vistra appear to be confident that Tesla’s batteries are unrelated to events:

The events of September 4, 2021 and February 13, 2022 will not affect their push to continue, says Meranda Cohn, a spokeswoman for Vistra.  PG&E spokesman Paul Doherty says the utility has “full confidence” in the project, and analysis so far has shown that batteries are not responsible for two incidents.

Although the megapacks have been discontinued, the company plans to continue with the next phase of expansion of energy storage systems, which aim to double in size.

All parties involved expect that the CPUC will approve the extension.

Source Tesla / Credited Fred Lambert.

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