
Australian hydrogen battery generation may be examined withinside the UK

Australian technology company Lavo’s innovative energy storage system – based on the procurement of green hydrogen in a patented metal hydride – has attracted the attention of the UK government, which provided financial support for setting up a demonstration facility in the northwest of England.

Sydney-headquartered professional services outfit GHD announced on Wednesday that it has received funding from the UK government to set up a hydrogen-based battery technology demonstration plant in England in England, which includes both a water purifier and an electrolyzer and is specifically designed for integration.  Solar PV system.

The cornerstone investor in GHD, Lavo, has received $ 264,000 (ยฃ 141,000) from the UK Government’s Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).  Metal hydride.

GHD Project Manager Tej Gidda’s demonstration facility set up at Thornton Science Park, University of Chester, in the north-west of England, effectively demonstrates and demonstrates the concept of Lao’s hydrogen energy storage system.

“We are extremely joyful to have the assist of BEIS and Painting with our fellow and the University of Chester on this essential task to demonstrate the long-time period viability period hydrogen garage withinside the UK electricity system,โ€ he said.

ย The UK project will deploy the Lavo technology at a large scale.Image: GHD

“Collaborating with customers and organisation partners spherical the arena to expand and commercialise new solutions which includes Lao, places us in a strong feature to make the maximum of the huge opportunities furnished via the global power transition.”

Developed in partnership with the Hydrogen Energy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, Lao’s energy storage system includes both a water purifier and an electrolyzer so that solar energy separates hydrogen from water, releases oxygen and safely stores hydrogen.  Solid material by combining with a patented metal hybrid.

When stored energy is needed, hydrogen can be released through a reduction in pressure and diverted to the fuel cell to generate usable electricity.

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GHD said the project will help explain the economics of creating hydrogen during extra renewable power generation and collect it in long-term energy storage media.  It also demonstrates the scalability of Lavo’s modular, stackable hydrogen energy storage device.

Lavo’s Hydride technology has seen its initial appearance in Australia but GHD says the project will apply the technology to a large extent to demonstrate how it supports energy storage for the UK power grid.  Northwest of England.

The fund is part of BEIS’s Long Term Energy Storage Demonstration Program, part of the UK government’s $ 1.87 billion (ยฃ 1bn) Net Zero Innovation Portfolio, which aims to accelerate the commercialization of innovative long-term energy storage technologies that provide grid flexibility.

BEIS says the latest round of funding is aimed at showcasing prototypes of a first-of-a-kind energy storage system in a related or operational environment.

“It need to construct a long-time period electricity garage device pipeline for business deployment,” it stated in a statement.

UK Energy Minister Greg Hands said the project would provide a key enabler for the emerging hydrogen economy, providing hydrogen at a lower cost to consumers.

“It is essential to electricity energy storage generation in advance in our transition withinside the path of cheap, easy and steady renewable energy,โ€ he stated.

 “This will allow us to take full advantage of our domestic-grown renewable energy sources, reduce costs and end our reliance on volatile and expensive fossil fuels.”

Australian technology company Lavo’s innovative energy storage system –

The UK authorities aren’t always the handiest supporter of Lavo’s hydrogen battery. The company received $ 5 million from the NSW Regional Job Creating Fund last month, and late last year the Queensland government announced the funding of Lavo to help establish a $ 15 million hydrogen fuel cell production facility.

Source pv magazine Australia

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